how can i fix this uploading error
ERROR: Failed to open /home/rankmydo/public_html/mankoosh/templates_c/f109333b6def79a5551f7665630eaadd.params
how can i fix this uploading error
ERROR: Failed to open /home/rankmydo/public_html/mankoosh/templates_c/f109333b6def79a5551f7665630eaadd.params
This can happen for two reason
1. Wrong path
2. You click back button on browser.
Verify your path to templates_c folder is
What is content on the .pm file in cgi-bin and include/config.php ?
ONe of my users got a similar message when trynig to upload:
It keep doing the same thing!
ERROR: Failed to open /home/boot7com/public_html/templates_c/ed81026cb15126cf5dc383e7dc3be14e.params
I set up two test accounts and I can upload fine -- what are they doing wrong?
Speed up your vshare site by "offloading" your images and video thumbs!
Just visit http://offload.limbar.com for details.
From config.php you send by PM,
Your basedir isCode:$config['basedir'] = "/home/rankmydo/public_html/mankoosh"; $config['baseurl'] = "http://mankoosh.auhserver.com";
But the upload script is trying to read file from
So there should be some thing wrong with your
Post content of that file here.
You want me to post the code on the board? Or privet send it to you?
Speed up your vshare site by "offloading" your images and video thumbs!
Just visit http://offload.limbar.com for details.
Code:package uu_default_config; use strict; use Exporter; @uu_default_config::ISA = qw( Exporter ); @uu_default_config::EXPORT = qw($config); use vars qw($config); $config = { config_file_name => 'uu_default_config', temp_dir => '/home/boot7com/public_html/templates_c/', upload_dir => '/home/boot7com/public_html/video/', unique_upload_dir => 0, unique_upload_dir_length => 16, unique_file_name => 0, unique_file_name_length => 16, max_upload => 20971520000, overwrite_existing_files => 0, redirect_after_upload => 1, redirect_url => 'http://bootytube247.com/upload.php', redirect_using_js_html => 1, redirect_using_html => 0, redirect_using_js => 0, redirect_using_location => 0, delete_param_file => 1, get_data_speed => 1000, disallow_extensions => '(sh|php|php3|php4|php5|py|shtml|phtml|cgi|pl|plx|htaccess|htpasswd)', allow_extensions => '(3gp)|(mp4)|(mov)|(asf)|(avi)|(flv)|(wmv)|(mpg)|(mpeg)|(mpeg4)|(xvid)|(divx)|(3gpp)', normalize_file_names => 1, normalize_file_delimiter => '_', normalize_file_length => 32, link_to_upload => 1, path_to_upload => 'http://bootytube247.com/video/', send_email_on_upload => 0, html_email_support => 0, link_to_upload_in_email => 0, email_subject => 'Uber File Upload', to_email_address => '[email protected],[email protected]', from_email_address => '[email protected]', }; 1;
temp_dir => '/home/boot7com/public_html/templates_c/',
upload_dir => '/home/boot7com/public_html/video/',
This is the path you set in the file.
It should be the correct one.
Now you have differnt path in two different files.
As per your config.php, it should be
Why you use a different URL ?Code:temp_dir => '/home/rankmydo/public_html/mankoosh/templates_c/', upload_dir => '/home/rankmydo/public_html/mankoosh/video/',
redirect_url => 'http://bootytube247.com/upload.php',
Your config.php says
$config['baseurl'] = "http://mankoosh.auhserver.com";
if that is correct, above should be
redirect_url => 'http://mankoosh.auhserver.com/upload.php',
What wrong with this? getting
ERROR: Failed to mkdir /home/malaysiayoutube/public_html/vshare/templates_c/: No such file or directory
what is the correct path?
$config = {
config_file_name => 'uu_default_config',
temp_dir => '/home/malaysiayoutube/public_html/vshare/templates_c/',
upload_dir => '/home/malaysiayoutube/public_html/vshare/video/',
unique_upload_dir => 0,
unique_upload_dir_length => 16,
unique_file_name => 0,
unique_file_name_length => 16,
max_upload => 20971520000,
overwrite_existing_files => 0,
redirect_after_upload => 1,
redirect_url => 'http://linux/web/vshare/upload.php',
redirect_using_js_html => 1,
redirect_using_html => 0,
redirect_using_js => 0,
redirect_using_location => 0,
delete_param_file => 1,
get_data_speed => 1000,
disallow_extensions => '(sh|php|php3|php4|php5|py|shtml|phtml|cgi|pl|plx| mp3|htaccess|htpasswd)',
allow_extensions => '(3gp)|(mp4)|(mov)|(asf)|(avi)|(flv)|(wmv)|(mpg)|( mpeg)|(mpeg4)|(xvid)|(divx)|(3gpp)',
normalize_file_names => 1,
normalize_file_delimiter => '_',
normalize_file_length => 32,
link_to_upload => 1,
path_to_upload => 'http://linux/web/vshare/video/',
send_email_on_upload => 0,
html_email_support => 0,
link_to_upload_in_email => 0,
email_subject => 'Uber File Upload',
to_email_address => '[email protected],[email protected]',
from_email_address => '[email protected]',
Disabling the upload progress bar and try to upload video.If you can't fix please PM me your login details.