If you want a list of channels or a drop down menu box that users can select to go directly to the channels page from any part of your site then just add this code to which ever template. A good one to add it to is the right.tpl template.
{insert name=list_channel assign=chinfo vid=$VID}
{section name=i loop=$chinfo}
if you want it as a drop down menu use this code
<form name="channel">
<select name="menu" onChange="location=document.channel.menu.options[document.channel.menu.selectedIndex].value;" value="Go">
<option value="">Select</option>
{insert name=list_channel assign=chinfo vid=$VID}
{section name=i loop=$chinfo}
<option value="{$baseurl}/channel/{$chinfo[i].id}/{$chinfo[i].ch}/">{$chinfo[i].ch}</option>
*edit added "<option value="">Select</option>" to drop down menu option to fix not being able to select first channel