Ok - have everything basically working. Video uploads, creates thumbnail, etc. However, when going to play, simply shows a black screen with play arrow. Clicking does nothing. What am I missing. Site is at http://mmvideos.org
Ok - have everything basically working. Video uploads, creates thumbnail, etc. However, when going to play, simply shows a black screen with play arrow. Clicking does nothing. What am I missing. Site is at http://mmvideos.org
Have tried both quicktime and wmv files with saem result - any help here on this?
Check the debug log to find the convert command, then run the command on the server to see if the command can convert the video file to FLV format.
If video is not getting converted, problem will be with mencoder installation.
Video Not Playing
Video not getting converted to flv
Does not make sense because it is on the same server as this site http://www.philadelphiadance.tv/ which is running an older version of vshare and all works fine - calling up exact same mmencoder
Here is the results of debug txt....
2007-10-11 9:43:31 File: /home/mmvideos/public_html/video/Lament.wmv
2007-10-11 9:43:31 -------------------------------------------------------------
2007-10-11 9:43:31 INSERT INTO video SET
description='RED. Philly Fringe 2007.',
2007-10-11 9:43:31 -------------------------------------------------------------
2007-10-11 9:43:31 Video id: 2
2007-10-11 9:43:31 Calling ffmpeg-php -> ffmpeg_movie()
2007-10-11 9:43:31 Get video duration - START
2007-10-11 9:43:31 Get video duration - END
2007-10-11 9:43:31 DURATION: 159.327
2007-10-11 9:43:31 Create Thumbnail - START
2007-10-11 9:43:59 Create Thumbnail - END
2007-10-11 9:43:59 CONVERT COMMAND:
/usr/bin/mencoder '/home/mmvideos/public_html/video/Lament.wmv' -o /home/mmvideos/public_html/flvideo/1192110239901913206.flv -of lavf -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=56 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=500:mbd=2:mv0:trell:v4mv:cbp:l ast_pred=3 -srate 22050 -ofps 24 -vf harddup
2007-10-11 9:44:00 -------------------------------------------------------------
2007-10-11 9:44:00
2007-10-11 9:44:00 -------------------------------------------------------------
2007-10-11 9:44:00 Return value:
2007-10-11 9:44:00 File Size too small : Bytes, Upload a big video.
2007-10-11 9:44:00 Calling process_video[2,0]
Created convert.php file
<body bgcolor="Black" text="White">
$convert_command = "/usr/bin/mencoder '/home/mmvideos/public_html/video/ristinamodel_balloons_2__2_.mpeg' -o /home/mmvideos/public_html/flvideo/119214297363517344.flv -of lavf -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=56 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=500:mbd=2:mv0:trell:v4mv:cbp:l ast_pred=3 -srate 22050 -ofps 24 -vf harddup";
$var = exec($convert_command,$exec_result);
echo "<pre>";
echo $exec_result[$i] . "
Can be found at http://mmvideos.org/convert.php
All I get is a black window
Please help at a loss here
This is because your PHP can't run the command or mencoder not on the server. Contact your web host with the url of the script and ask why the command is not running, they will be able to provide a solution.
1. I am my own web host
2. mmencoder is running on the server and works with the other site using vshare that is hosted on the same server
3. the calls are the same from what I can see, only difference is version numbers of your script
Side note on all this. Why not have all the requirements test when going through install script? Similar to what you have for checking permissions. If any of these are supposedly not functioning on server, then installation is flagged and no one is wasting each other's time.
As I said have older version of your software 2.1 fully paid running on same server with no problems other than most functions are not present but at least videos upload and play. Have never been able to upgrade this and get it to work with upgrade, so reverted back to old version. Something is better than nothing.
Bought another full 2.5 copy for new site, thinking you now had things working better and installing easier. Guess I was wrong. And tech support seems to still be limited to telling me the server is not working properly. Even had a consultant for $75 check out the functions mmencoder, ffmpeg, etc, and he sees nothing wrong.
Perhaps you should offer a install fix/support service for a small fee since you folks seem to be the only ones who know what is what with this. And no I do not want to host on another service. I just want what I paid for to work.
Above test script should work, it is just basic PHP script to run a system command from PHP script.
If that is not working, there should be some problem with PHP restriction, mencoder installation or its path.
To verify mencoder is working, login to ssh and run following command in SSH prompt
Code:/usr/bin/mencoder '/home/mmvideos/public_html/video/ristinamodel_balloons_2__2_.mpeg' -o /home/mmvideos/public_html/flvideo/119214297363517344.flv -of lavf -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=56 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=500:mbd=2:mv0:trell:v4mv:cbp:last_pred=3 -srate 22050 -ofps 24 -vf harddupCode:ls - l /home/mmvideos/public_html/video/ristinamodel_balloons_2__2_.mpeg ls -l /home/mmvideos/public_html/flvideo/119214297363517344.flv