This mod allows all users or just registered users to download videos, unregistered users will be directed to the login/signup page if they try to download and then redirected back to the video once logged in. Choice of download type, the FLV file, orginal video file or both.

on view_video.tpl find
{if $allow_download == 1}
  [img]{$baseurl}/templates/images/download.png[/img] Download

Now choose one of the options below:

If you want only registered users to be able to download the FLV file replace with
{if $allow_download == 1}
{if $smarty.session.UID ne ""}
If you want only registered users to be able to download the orginal video file replace with
{if $allow_download == 1}
{if $smarty.session.UID ne ""}

If you want anyone to be able to download the FLV file replace with
{if $allow_download == 1}
If you want anyone to be able to download the original video file then you dont need to make any changes.

If you want both the FLV and orginal video available to download then just put both the FLV and orginal video code on the same page.

Now i just need to figure out if its possible to make a "only paid subscribers are able to download" option.