after have read here and there i guess that my youtube error comes that i run php 4,but i tough that cirtex runs both.
i just found that on their website:

In order to run any files in php 5, there are two options

1) Rename file from filename.php to filename.php5
2) Make a .htaccess file and add the line below into it and place it in your folder

AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 .php

3) To customize php5 settings, you need to put a full copy of php5 php.ini file inside /home/user/public_html folder

when i rename video_import.php to php5 i can t access to this page anymore from the admin import video menu (of course cause the name is different)

when i add the line above in .htaccess, i can t login in the website anymore, as admin like as normal user.
any ideas how to fix that?
best regards