Quote Originally Posted by ramius
Still no suggestion on how to display more videos in the watch (/recent/) page??
This was posted about a loooooooong time ago and I think the forums has changed since that was posted, I can't find where this was posted. There IS a way to do it (or at least there used to be *I think*), either by the template or the sql database or both and for the life of me I can't remember. Anybody remember how to do this? I *could* be thinking of the channels page and not the watch page...

I remember something along these lines: Look for in channels.tpl

{if $smarty.section.i.index mod 4 eq "0" and $smarty.section.i.index gt "0"}</tr><tr>{/if}
and where it says 4, I remember changing that number changes the amount of videos across. I don't think changing the watch page is possible since it's a "virtual" page and is accessed through the zend encoded php files.

I also seem to remember trying it with the channels page and what happened was that the videos came out of alignment.