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Thread: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

  1. #1

    Default Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    There are a number of reasons to brand your videos by hard coding your logos and/or urls onto the video file. Just a few off the top of my head are:

    1. Your logo can't be lost if someone embeds or rips your video and removes the watermark. Once it's hard coded, it's there for good.

    2. It can be used as a method of covering up urls that other people added to the video with the ugly captioning method.

    3. It can be an effective advertising medium. Imagine having 500 branded videos, each uploaded to 50+ high traffic tube sites.

    You may be a little unclear on what I mean by branding the videos. A picture's worth a thousand words, so here is a sample to compare. Don't worry, this video is entirely safe for work.

    Original File - Just an ordinary file, before anything has been done to it.

    Branded File - Notice the logo (or closest I have to one) at the top, and url at the bottom of the video. I also added a splash to the last few seconds of the video. This was something I just threw together as a sample and forgot to compensate for how YT stretches videos, but you get the idea.

    Ok, so now you see the benefits and are wondering what this costs. It's probably a lot less than you think.

    Adult Videos - $5 includes branding the video and confirmed upload to 10-15 porn tubes. You can recommend specific tubes you would like, but I have a large list to work from.

    Mainstream Videos - $5 includes branding the video and uploading to 20-25 video sharing sites. Again, you can recommend specific sites, but I also have a large list to work from.

    Note that when I say confirmed upload, I mean those are the ones I can guarantee you will be added to. I will actually submit to more than this, but sometimes there is a problem with one for whatever reason, but I just want to mention that this is the minimum number of sites you will receive exposure to. You will receive a copy of the branded video to upload on your own if you wish.

    If you do not wish to have the upload service and just want the branded video, I will offer this for $3.

    Discounts apply for repeat orders.
    This member is now known as Sitting Out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    That's a pretty good price!
    Can you make the url and/or logo show up intermittently (i.e. at the midle, or at each end, etc.), and can you embed an URL link for the same price? I don't know if the link would work on YouTube, but if it worked on other Vshare sites, it would be nice.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    Yes, it is easy to have it display at whatever points in the video you wish, say 15 seconds on, then 30 seconds off, or whatever you want. This is also useful if you want to put up a message for a time and then go back to the logo.

    The only issue I have right now is with transparent images. For some reason they come out looking distorted, at least on the preview. I've never tried to finish converting the file to see if that is actually true or not. But on the preview, it's like looking at static for some reason. It shouldn't be like that though, so I haven't figured out how to exactly overcome it. That's partially why I like to use a black background across a strip of the bottom, but also because that hides any logos that other sites had previously typed.

    As for making it clickable, I do not think this is possible. If it is, I do not know how. Watermarks can be made clickable because what they are actually doing is putting a linked image on top, which the video playing underneath. But once you put something onto the video itself, I do not see how you can make the video clickable. I will do more research on this to see what I can find out, but as of this moment, I dont think it's possible. You could still accomplish this via an embed code, but just not on the video itself.
    This member is now known as Sitting Out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    I tried experimenting with the black strip at the top also, but in that position there seems to be a spacer on the right that prevents the bar from going all the way to right-alignment. I also had tried the transparency route, and like you, found the text distorted or broken up. However, when I tried to do a 425 x 350 transparency, although the text was still distorted, at least the entire field was linkable. Unfortunately, most folks use the big arrow in the middle to start 'play', and that activates the link :cry:

  5. #5

    Default Re: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    I think you're talking about a watermark and embed code rather than actually putting text onto the video iteself, because that's really the only way to make it clickable. Unfortunately, a lot of people will remove this when they copy/paste your embed code, and others will just rip the video entirely, which also loses your branding. That's why I offer this service.

    I never have a problem with any spacer on the right. I just make my images the same width as the video so that I do not have this problem. I know that vshare displays as 425x350, but you pretty much have to ignore that and go by what the original video size is.
    This member is now known as Sitting Out

  6. #6

    Default Re: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Original File - Just an ordinary file, before anything has been done to it.

    Branded File - Notice the logo (or closest I have to one) at the top, and url at the bottom of the video. I also added a splash to the last few seconds of the video. This was something I just threw together as a sample and forgot to compensate for how YT stretches videos, but you get the idea.
    Sorry, but after receiving 21,000 views in 24 hours, the league (user name NetResult) asked YT to scrap this video. You can find the branded sample on Megavideo instead.

    Please note that I have enough to keep me busy here for the next couple of days, so to try to make an incentive for people to upload themselves, I will reduce the price of the video branding alone to 5 for $5, and will supply you with a list of sites you can submit to. That offer is only valid until Friday.
    This member is now known as Sitting Out

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    so you just download the video and edit them so they contain a logo?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    Yes, I edit the video itself so that the url or logo (or ufo, or whatever you want) is permanantly branded onto the video. The only way someone will get it off is if they use a video editor to either crop the video or layer a new image over the top. No one is going to take the time to do that (except for maybe me, lol). It is much better than a standard watermark because it can't be removed by someone who is embedding your video on their site.

    I can also split your videos for you. For example, if you have a 30 minute video, we can split it up into 3 videos that are 10 minutes each, or 10 videos that are three minutes each, or whatever suits your promotional needs.
    This member is now known as Sitting Out

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Planet Earth

    Default Re: Showcase Your Site With Branded Videos

    I have a question about this thing....I'd like to let people download videos from my sites, but I'd like them to be branded so people can "remember" where they originally got them...I'd have to 1) download the user video via FTP 2) brand the video locally 3) re-upload the branded video? Is that how it would work?

    Is it ever possible to have videos be branded automatically when a person uploads a video in the first place?
    If it's not fun, stop doing it!

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