Hi, I just moved my website to cirtex but now I'm experiencing some problems:

1) Videos conversion problems with error "file less then 1 kb..."
2) Unable to upload videos from url.
3) Unable from admin panel to delete videos on flvvideo dir due to rewrite access problems (cmod of this dir is already 777 and already asked to cirtex rewrite mode on)

As far as I know there is a basic problem of Php 5 not installed or installed in such a way that vshare has really big problems!
I tried to put this line on the htaccess "AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 .php" to use php5 but then I have an error Zend Optimizer not found!
(zend optimizer working without that string in htaccess)

Please, anyone here having Vshare installed and FULLY working on Cirtex server??
Need some help or tips to solve these problems, please!
Thank you in advance!