I'm not sure where I'm going wrong and I can't search the forums for a solution since the FORUM SEARCH IS BROKEN!

I wanted to move all the stuff from one site to a different domain. I copied the database and gave it a new name and changed the config file, the cgi-bin and everywhere else I could think of to reflect the new domain and database name.

Here's what I did:

Copied all files from OLDdomain to NEWdoman and uploaded in binary. Changed the .htaccess to reflect any changes required for the NEWdomain.

Downloaded "backup" of OLDdatabase. Renamed the backup to NEWdatabase. Went to cPanel and created NEWdatabase with NEW user and did a "restore database" and uploaded the NEWdatabase (which was the old one but renamed). Changed the config to NEWdatabase and username, changed the domain names in every place I could possibly think of (cgi-bin stuff and config file).

Now, when I log in with a user from the OLDdatabase and upload videos, they upload but they don't have a title, description, tags or channel chosen even though those things are entered before uploading. In the admin panel, the video is there but all the info for it is blank. I can add the title, description, tags and channel in the admin panel and all is well afterwards, it's just that when the video is initially uploaded, everything is blank.

When I created a new user sign up at NEWsite and tried to upload a video, the video got uploaded but instead of getting the "your video was added" I got an error saying "invalid user".


First I had in uu_default_config.pm:
path_to_upload           => 'http://$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} . '/uploads/',
instead of
path_to_upload           => 'http://www'.$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} . '/uploads/',
I then deleted the NEWdatabase and re-did everything I had done previously regarding the database. Seems to be working this time, but not sure why! LOL