I have managed to put together a very simple sitemap Generator for a vShare-Powered Web Site.

What it does:

This Script will include in the sitemap all your ACTIVE and APPROVED Videos. (I didn't mind hiding "private" videos at the moment, because I won't be using them)

It has been tested on two Websites (vShare 2.4 Installed) and so far it is working great. Many Videos are being indexed by Search Engines.

You just need to

1) Copy the following lines of code in a new page called "sitemap.php" (or whatever you like).

2) Edit your Database connection details and YOUR SITE NAME in the Code.

3) Then Upload the php page to your Website Root and feed it into Google, Yahoo and so on...

Here's the code for you to grab:

    echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>";
    echo "<urlset xmlns='http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84'>";

    //BEGIN EDIT - You will need to edit these details to reflect your own configuration
    // hostname on which MySQL is (usally localhost)
    $dbhost = "localhost";
    // Database name
    $dbname = "put_your_database_here";
    // Username
    $dbuser = "put_your_username_here";
    // Password
    $dbpass = "put_your_password_here";
    //END EDIT

    // mysql_connect() fnction
    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass)
    or die("Unable to connect to MySQL.");

    // mysql_select_db() function
    or die("Unable to connect to Database $dbname");

    $sql = "Select  VID, title, adddate from video where approve=1 and active=1";

    // execute SQL Command
    $res = mysql_query($sql,$conn)
    or die( "Error: " . mysql_error() );

    // Retrieve Results
    while ($info = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
    $SefUrl=strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/","-", $info[1]));

    echo "<url><loc>http:/WWW.YOURSITE.COM/view/".$info[0]."/".$SefUrl.

    echo "</urlset>";

    // mysql_close() function