My post #300 - such an admirable record. Such a prize. Such a thing to be treasured.

So many people I want to thank... don't want to forget all the little people who helped me on my way up to the top.

I want to thank my wife and my mother, great women both.

Of course there's Admin, Sanil, Grynmoors and Bplex....

My manager, my agent, my producer...

My friends back home - HEY GUYS!

And of course, not to forget my librarian, gas station attendant, the lady who sacks the groceries at the store,

So many people helped bring me to this pinnacle Post #300, I'm just overwhelmed, and hope I don't forget anyone.

Of course most of all, I want to thank all my loyal fans out there who untiringly kept me posting when I felt I couldn't go on... always reminding me, always pleading...

"Do it for the CHILDREN!"

I did it for the children... so now, what do I win????

Thank you all. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program :mrgreen: .....