Hi guys,

Can anyone help me with the following...

I am using VShare 2.8 (BETA) with the video_stream.php pseudo-streaming of my FLV files which also uses secure tokens to protect hotlinking.

However, now I am trying to integrate OpenX Video Ads into the mix using the default JW Player. The problem is that with the OpenX ad streamer, you seem to have to specify the URL of the main video stream in the xml file but obviosuly my streams on my site are dynamic. Ive tried using the basic http example taken from the OpenX Video ads example which simply specifies an ad to play (but no main stream) and then using the following flash embed code hoping that once the ad has played the main stream will play but the main stream isnt loading:

<script type='text/javascript'>
var s1 = new SWFObject('{$config['baseurl']}/player/player.swf','ply','$config[player_width]','$config[player_height]','9','#000000');
s1.addParam('flashvars','$video_id.flv&plugins=hd-1&hd.file=$video_id.mp4&stretching=fill&skin={$con fig['baseurl']}/player/skin.swf&autostart=true&streamer={$config['baseurl']}/video_stream.php&logo={$config['baseurl']}/templates/images/watermark.png&image={$video_thumb_url}/thumb/{$video_folder}{$video_id}.jpg&token=$video_token& plugins={$config['baseurl']}/player/OpenAdStreamer.swf&config={$config['baseurl']}/player/config/http01.xml');

My thinking from the above embed code is that the OpenX video advert should play followed by my flv file ($video_id.flv) but again, this doesnt work. I then thought about trying to integrate the dynamic FLV stream video url into the openx xml file but not sure if this is the right route either.

Does anyone have any experience of this situation and what the right route would be to go? Perhaps admin have an idea??

Thanks and look forward to any replies.