So I have been working on an advertisement modification for people who are running an adult video sharing site. As many of you who run an adult tube site already know, the key to running your video site profitably is advertisements and advertisements that correlates to the video. So I have created a modification for VShare that I am currently running that solves this problem. I am 80% done and should be finished in the next 2 weeks.

Here are the list of features:

  • Multiple account types. (For me: Amatuer, Sponsor, Blogger)
  • Based on each account type, the member will be required to list what site the video corresponds to. My site example:

  1. Amateur: No choice, Category only
  2. Sponsor: Choose company or program they are working for.
  3. Blogger: Have to select from your complete datatbase list of sites or "None of the above."

  • Based on the information provided during the video upload, my modification displays 4 corresponding banners for that video. For example, if the video is a sample clip for company, then the banners that display for that video will be for with my ccbill or other linking code.

Here is the list of the other 20% that is still in progress.

  • Admin interface to upload sponsor banners.
  • Admin interface to modify individual video advert info.
  • Advertisement display based on video category for "Amateur uploads."
  • Admin interface to select and choose what advertisement will display for each category.

Signup Page:

For Sponsor, Pick Program They Are Working For:

Upload Page For Sponsors: (Display only their program sites)

Blogger Upload Page: (Display all sites in your sponsor database)

What do you guys think about all the features?
I am considering offering this mod for $150.00 via paypal once it is complete. Let me know what you guys think about it.