1- in NON-FREE mode when a user clicks videos ANYWHERE via any page, they are directed to signup.php in the wrong directory. all videos do this unless signed in as a member. the link to signup at the top of the page goes to correct directory as in http://www.mysite.com/VSHARE/signup.php - BUT NOT ON THE VIDEOS- it is reflecting wrong directory. The wrong URL http://www.mysite.com/signup.php - it disregards the "vshare" directory. This is a HUGE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP FAST!


unless I'm a TOTAL IDIOT (i am up late doing this conversion...) and am missing something.... i just went to PAID only a couple days ago and had no problem til this version. For the not so faint at heart check it out http://www.mystriptease.net- WARNING- extremely explicit adult material!!!!

2. Last version and this new 2.3 - any page OTHER THAN index the top advertisement banner comes up as a bad link- ie:
viewing properties of the banner shows "http://mysite.com/vshare/view/91/_images/banner_name.jpg" --- where "/view/91/" is inserted to screw up the URL to the adv banner... but viewing source of the page it shows

it only gives these problems on a video viewing page- all other pages works fine.
3. Followed all instructions for upload bar- (WHICH WAS DESPERATELY NEEDED AND WILL BE A GREAT FEATURE)http://forums.buyscripts.in/viewtopic.php?t=981 (with and without mersh's additional obvious suggestions --to which admin has not responded--)- with his suggestion and without- no status bar shows- but upload does work with no problems or redirection. Am hosting at Hostonnet- are they setup for this? Asking here because their CS leaves ALOT to be desired...