I have an issue with being able to delete the user profile comments. I am sure the ability is under the blanket of my vShare Elite template. r66 said it is something they dont want to fix. I need to be able to delete any bad comments on my profile. Any help is much appreciated. My site is www.ettv.com

I have the code for the ajax/user_comment_delete.php below. I thought this would help.

require '../include/config.php';
require '../include/functions_ajax.php';
require '../include/language/' . LANG . '/lang_user_comment_delete.php';
$ajax_debug = 0;
$comment_id = isset($_POST['comment_id']) ? $_POST['comment_id'] : '';
if ($ajax_debug) error_log("$comment_id \n",3, VSHARE_DIR . '/ajax/log.txt');
if (!is_numeric($comment_id))
$err = $lang['comment_id_invalid'];
else if (!isset($_SESSION['UID']))
$err = $lang['guest_user'];
if (!empty($err))
if ($ajax_debug) error_log("ERROR: $err \n",3, VSHARE_DIR . '/ajax/log.txt');
$sql = "DELETE FROM `profile_comments` WHERE
`profile_comment_id`=" . (int) $comment_id . " AND
`profile_comment_user_id`='" . (int) $_SESSION['UID'] . "'";
mysql_query($sql) or mysql_die();
if ($ajax_debug) error_log("SQL EXECUTED: $sql \n",3, VSHARE_DIR . '/ajax/log.txt');
if (mysql_affected_rows() >= 1)
$msg = $comment_id;