Hi, After changing my hosting provider I started running into all sorts of problem. Currently I can't figure out why when I click the "video being watch right now" section at the very top of the first page I get redirected to a diffrent url in my browser instead of taking me to the video page "http://search.yahoo.com/404handler?ei=UTF-8&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.madotube.com%2Fview%2F11%2F %3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3 F-4%2F&src=toolbar&nrd=1". Strangely this only happens in Firefox and seems to be ok in IE. So, can you help me identify the problem. I've look at the js files but couldn't identify the error.

Thanks/ A.Malai