
I am very interested in your product and am looking to move if you guys have good support and do not lack on too many features.

If you do not mind, can you please let me know if your script supports the following.

1. Does your script have the option to create custom profile/registry fields.
2. Does your script support the option to disable certain videos/songs from being viewed in certain country based on ip address?

3. Does your script support the option to set background music on profiles?
4. Does your script support the option to display latest/most viewed/most discussed vidos pn profile page?

5. Does your script support the option to limit video/music view/usage upon ip?
6. Does your script support the option to create custom groups?
7. Does your script support the option to give awards or to auto give awards based on

1. Most subscripted all time
2. Most subscripted this day.
3. Most subscripted this week.
4. Most subscripted this month.
5. Most subscripted this year.
6. Most viewed all time.
7. Most viewed this day.
8. Most viewed this week.
9. Most viewed this month.
10 Most viewed this year.


7. Does your script support the option to customize embeded links?
8. Does your script support Full HD Support
9. Does your script support Image Support For Video Advertisements
10. Does your script support In-Video Text Advertisements?
11. Does your script support E-Mail Alert System for video conversion, new video comments, new picture comments, new audio comments, new profile comments, new private messages and new friend requests.

12. Does your script support the option to Upload Profile Background Picture?
13. Does our script support the option to subscribe to peopls channels/videos?

Please let me know, Thanks